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For 24 years, I have been working with several effective methods of spiritual energy healing therapy in the areas of personal healing: relationships, career, health, abundance, as well as in the area of mentoring and business restructuring.

After a short interview with the Client, I propose the most effective solutions - unless the Client chooses otherwise. At the first meeting, I determine the work strategy, the length of cooperation, and the frequency of meetings so that the solution to the problem is effective for the client.



Duration of spiritual healing sessions: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes or 90 minutes.


Healing Relationships and Close Bonds: Healing relationships encompasses various types of close bonds such as romantic, friendships, or family. Relationships play a crucial role in our lives, affecting our self-worth and ability to attract love. Family issues can impact our success in relationships. Some relationship difficulties stem from past lives, and through understanding them, we can heal and break free from toxic and challenging relationships, reclaiming freedom in connections. Traumatic experiences, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions can be released and healed on physical, mental, emotional, and soul levels. We can also resolve blocks related to divorces to make the process as least burdensome as possible.


Health: Health issues, whether emotional, mental, or physical, often stem from the emotional sphere. When we incarnate on Earth, our etheric body (holding memories from past incarnations) transfers into the physical body. Health blockages often have roots in past lives. According to Robert Detzler, the creator of Spiritual Response Therapy and Body Restructuring, over 90% of our burdens come from past lives. We don't inherit diseases genetically, but we inherit beliefs that these diseases can be inherited from our father or mother. All health beliefs can be released and reprogrammed. For more serious conditions, it's important to assess how the disease has manifested in the physical body and how much we desire to return to health on all levels. Body restructuring can result in a very effective healing process. Sometimes, one session may be enough to work on health, while other times, we may need more.


Unlocking Career in Alignment with Soul Talents: Sometimes it's challenging to find our career path. Spiritual tools and kinesiology can be very effective in unlocking your talents and starting the career you dream of, finding fulfillment, joy, and purpose in work.


Unlocking Abundance, Prosperity, and Finances: Many of us are entangled in dependencies that prevent us from experiencing abundance and prosperity. Sometimes, our soul may have taken oaths of poverty or need to clear resources for various reasons. Often, we come from families with their beliefs, emotions, or family burdens that prevent them from creating and enjoying prosperity. Through spiritual tools, we can change our awareness of abundance, explore the causes of lack, release them, and transform life into full financial ease.


Healing Other Life Issues and Problems: If you're experiencing difficulties in other areas of life and need solutions, don't hesitate to contact me, and I'll assess if I can help you resolve them.


SPIRITUAL RESPONSE THERAPY (ONLINE & IN LONDON W7)  If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and your life, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) could be the key to unlocking doors to spiritual growth and transformation. This powerful technique, also known as Spiritual Response Clearing, provides tools to clear energetic blocks that may hinder your life experiences.
SRT is based on the premise that our current life is not only a result of our actions in this current incarnation but also of our experiences from past lives, including what we carry from previous incarnations and ancestral energies. By working with a pendulum, your Higher Self, and 32 charts, SRT helps identify and release these energetic blocks, allowing you to regain control of your life and achieve your spiritual goals.
One of the greatest strengths of SRT is its versatility. It can be applied in various areas of life, from healing past traumas, resolving emotional and mental blocks, to supporting personal and spiritual success.

Whether you’re dealing with health issues, relationship challenges, financial struggles, or seeking a deeper connection with yourself and spirituality, SRT offers tools to transform your life.
Are you ready to unlock your spiritual potential and live life to its fullest? Explore Spiritual Response Therapy and give yourself the chance for profound transformation. 



One Brain is used to treat a variety of health issues, including emotional disorders, stress, anxiety, trauma, and improving learning abilities and achieving full life potential. This method is based on the belief that the body and mind are interconnected, and understanding these connections can lead to health and balance. 

    1.    Emotional Unblock: This method helps identify and resolve emotional blockages that can lead to stress, anxiety, or depression. By working on the body, mind, and emotions, patients can release negative feelings and experience greater emotional balance.
   2.    Improved Learning Ability: By eliminating obstacles that may hinder the learning process, the One Brain method can help improve learning abilities and memory retention. This is particularly useful for individuals struggling with learning or concentration.
   3.    Chronic Pain Reduction: Through body work and identifying the roots of chronic pain, this method can help reduce discomfort and improve physical functioning. This is particularly important for individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions.
   4.    Enhanced Interpersonal Relationships: Working on eliminating emotional and communication blocks can lead to improved interpersonal relationships, both personally and professionally. Improving communication and understanding each other can contribute to better functioning in relationships.
   5.    Increased Self-awareness: The One Brain method encourages deeper self-understanding, emotional reactions, and thoughts. This can lead to greater self-awareness and self-reflection, which in turn can lead to positive changes in personal and professional life.



Spiritual Restructuring method created by Robert Detzler is a comprehensive healing process that involves cleansing and restructuring various aspects of the body, mind, and spirit. During sessions,  Organs that receive and store negative programs and emotional blockages are cleansed.


This process also includes cleansing all Systems in the body: Nervous, Lymphatic  Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, Endocrine, as well as Endocrine System.  SpR also involves Brain Restructuring. Brain restructuring helps release negative thought patterns and behaviors, enabling greater mental clarity and emotional balance.


Through Spiritual Restructuring, individuals can experience deep healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level, leading to greater harmony and well-being in life.

SOUND HEALING   (!ONLY IN LONDON W7) is a practice that utilizes sounds and vibrations to heal the body, mind, and soul.

During Sound Healing sessions, a therapist uses musical instruments such as gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, shamanic drums, or crystal bowls to induce a deep state of relaxation and tranquility. These sounds have the ability to flow through the body, vibrating cells and restoring energetic imbalances.

The benefits of Sound Healing include:

  • stress reduction

  • improved sleep quality

  • increased focus, deep relaxation

  •  the release of emotions and trauma

  •  thereby bringing inner harmony and balance.


REIKI with Master (ONLINE & IN LONDON W7) is a Japanese healing technique based on the transfer of energy through touch. The word “Reiki” means “universal life energy,” and Reiki practice aims to restore energetic balance in the body and mind.

During a Reiki session, a certified Reiki healer transfers life energy through light touch or by hovering hands over the client’s body. This energy stimulates the body’s natural self-healing abilities and removes energetic blockages that can lead to health and emotional issues.
The benefits of Reiki include:
• Stress and tension reduction
• Increased relaxation and calmness
• Improved emotional well-being
• Strengthening of the body’s immune system
• Acceleration of healing processes after injuries and surgeries
• Support in spiritual and personal renewal


Reiki can be used as a standalone therapy or as a complement to conventional treatment methods. It is a non-invasive, safe, and gentle healing technique that can provide benefits on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Frequently Asked Questions
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