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Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring (Duchowy Mentoring i Restrukturyzacja Biznesu)

I would like to share with you the story that inspired me to create this unique method. The beginning of this journey was filled with uncertainty and challenges, but it was also filled with incredible faith in the potential for transformation and growth.

Before I discovered this method, I had already been working with my clients’ businesses, using various tools such as Spiritual Response Therapy and Abundance Belief System, which I still use in my work with clients.


My spiritual journey has been ongoing since 1998, when I needed harmony and peace after obtaining a diploma in contemporary dance.


Since 2017, I have been working with businesses. Although I attended many trainings, it was only one of them - Millionaire Mind Intensive - that truly inspired me. The creator of this training, T. Harve Eker, drew from deep spiritual roots, which only confirmed that there is a different way of doing business.

I want to mention that practically always, when looking for practical business methods that would be equally inspiring, I often came across schematic approaches that seemed too obvious and boring to me.


I knew deep in my heart that business could be created in a completely different way. My intuition told me that there is a deeper, more inspiring path to success that respects both spirituality and business pragmatism. It was from this inner conviction that the idea of ​​creating this method arose - a method that not only brings business success but also inspires, heals, and raises vibrations for both owners and employees.


With every step I took, I discovered more about the power of energy that lies at the heart of business. I understood that success does not only come from perfect strategies and business plans but also from internal harmony, energetically balanced structures, and authentic intention. It was my experience, my personal experience, that led me to delve into the mysterious force that flows through our companies, creating their reality every day.


In 2020, based on my experience working with clients, awareness, and knowledge, I created Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring™.


Thanks to the above practice in working with businesses using this method, it is possible to quickly and effectively remove blockages of business owners, business energy structures, touching on key issues such as business relationships, management, cash flow, debt management, as well as healing and restructuring of the business in relation to various systems, including the banking system and government systems. This is a powerful change in the energy structures of the company and all involved in its creation, this is a real transformation!


I know and believe that now is the time on Earth for total transformations of structures in business, and with an open heart, I accept every opportunity for cooperation aimed at consciously creating unlimited business success with respect for all and the values ​​of all parties involved in business creation.


The Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring™ method is more than just a set of techniques, it is a tool that raises the vibrations of business, transforms its energy structures, cleanses, and heals. I am convinced that for those who are ready to consciously accept this gift, this method will become an inspiring path to change business and raise it to a higher level of consciousness.


I invite you to join me on a journey to discover the strength and beauty that lie in the energy of business. May this method be a bridge that connects you with your highest potential and achievements that have always been available to you.


Joanna Ciurkowska - creator of the method

Spiritual Business Mentoring (Duchowy Mentoring Biznesu)
Spiritual Business Mentoring (Duchowy Mentoring Biznesu)
Spiritual Business Mentoring (Duchowy Mentoring Biznesu)

(English Subtitles)

Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring (Duchowy Mentoring i Restrukturyzacja Biznesu)

What Will Change in Your Company with Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring?

Your business will be reborn with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. We envision businesses that resonate with passion, creativity, prosperity, and light. Here's what you can expect:

- Swift removal of financial, business, and investment barriers.
- Transformation of your company's energy structures to activate greater financial success.
- Precise evaluation of your business's effectiveness through pendulum readings and specialized sheets.
- Activation of your talents, both within the business owner, management, and employees.
- A shift from viewing business as a burdensome duty to embracing it with joy and passion.
- Application of Napoleon Hill's Laws of Success, paving the way for unlimited business potential.
- An elevated consciousness throughout your business, resonating with greater success.


Why Does Conscious Business Matter?

The energy with which a business is built is a pivotal determinant of its success. When a business operates with a higher level of consciousness (as per the Hawkins scale), it not only attracts new opportunities and activates success on all levels but also becomes resilient in the face of external challenges.

We focus on transforming the consciousness of business owners, management, and employees. We believe in a new era of conscious business where every individual contributes not just to personal prosperity but also to global transformation and humanity's well-being. Effective leadership means serving the world and humanity. To ensure a strong foundation, we begin by examining owners and management, assisting them in releasing limiting beliefs, healing traumas, and clearing obstacles.

Changes in Your Business/Company

- Release of emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical barriers that hinder greater success for owners and management.
- Reprogramming of beliefs, judgments, and perceptions related to success and money.
- Elimination of obstacles in sales, management, and finances.
- Harmonization of relationships within the company.
- Evolving business perspectives.
- Protection from external negative influences.
- Neutralizing past failures and setbacks that may hinder success.
- Liberation from the root causes of financial debt.
- Openness to new financial opportunities.
- Restructuring of outdated business models.
- Elevating the company's vibration, thereby raising the consciousness of all stakeholders.

Spiritual Business Mentoring (Duchowy Mentoring Biznesu)

Are you eager to discover the magic behind Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring™? Brace yourself for a transformative journey. This potent method swiftly liberates your business from the shackles of past traumas, negative beliefs, and emotions, clearing the path to unbridled success.


Unlocking the Power Within

The soulful activation of your business owner's innate talents is where the alchemy begins. With these talents aligned to their soul's potential, running a business evolves from mere obligation to pure delight. It's a profound shift that transcends the mundane.


Beyond Action

While action is undeniably pivotal, it's not the sole determinant of success. What takes precedence is crafting a crystal-clear vision for your company and deftly managing the life force coursing through your business.


Harnessing the Laws of Success

Our approach extends to the activation of Napoleon Hill's potent Laws of Success. Together with the Law of Attraction and the 7 Laws of Divine Manifestation, these timeless principles unlock your business's potential, ushering in a realm of limitless possibilities. This marks a pivotal step in your business's transformative journey. Are you ready to embark on this inspiring path?


Unlocking Your Business Vibration

The energy from which a business springs is a potent factor that dictates its fate. This conscious business vibration is the heartbeat of success.

The Power of Conscious Creation

Your business's vibration originates from your level of consciousness. Picture it like a scale of positivity and negativity.

Low-Vibration Beginnings

Constructing a business from lower levels of consciousness, such as Guilt, Fear, or Anger, ties it to a cycle of continual setbacks and resistance to success.

High-Vibration Triumph

However, when your business rises from the levels of Courage, Love, or Joy, a transformation takes place. Your business unfolds effortlessly, drawing co-workers and clients in the flow of life energy, poised for success and adaptable to change.

Elevating Business Consciousness

The prosperity of a company is inherently linked to the consciousness of its participants. Your business, driven by the owner and management, is the epicenter of its energy and structure. It's vital to effect change in their consciousness, reshaping beliefs, dissolving negative programs, shedding familial baggage, and healing traumas. This isn't just about success—it's about embracing a culture of triumph.

A Shift in Business Dynamics

With Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring, you gain the power to elevate the vibrational awareness of your business, owner, management, and employees. This shift is the key to prosperity and transformation, giving you a competitive edge in the business landscape.

Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring (Duchowy Mentoring i Restrukturyzacja Biznesu)

​Our method is a transformative journey designed to release, reshape, and renew your business from its core. Here's what you can expect to gain:

  • Emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical blockage release for owners, managers, and employees, paving the way for your company's success.

  •  A profound reprogramming of negative beliefs, judgments, and perceptions, freeing your conscious and subconscious minds from the shackles of doubt.

  • The elimination of blockages in sales and company management, enhancing your business's overall effectiveness.

  • Removal of financial and investment roadblocks that may have hindered your company's growth.

  • Harmonious relations cultivated at all business levels, fostering healthier interactions with colleagues.

  • A door opened to new business opportunities, creating fresh avenues for success.

  • A shield against the negative influences of collective consciousness and external factors like wars and disasters.

  • A counterbalance to the negative impact of neighboring countries on your business.

  • Business protection measures to ensure your company maintains a high level of energy.

  • Resolution and cleansing of the past failures and debts, reinvigorating the flow of prosperity and money energy.

  • A liberation of management blockages and a shift in awareness.

  •  Cleansing and elevating the company's vibration, aligning it with greater success.

  •  A transformation of outdated business structures, giving way to innovative and efficient setups.

  • An all-encompassing energy restructuring to invigorate dynamic business development.

  • Healing and change for factors that have kept your company stagnant and struggling.

  • Unleash the true potential of your business with Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring™, and embark on a journey to a prosperous and harmonious future.

Unlock the true potential of your business through Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring, and embark on journey towards accessible and harmonious living




1. What changes have you noticed in the functioning of your business since undergoing spiritual mentoring and restructuring?


No debts, fewer sudden and unexpected variables, better communication with both close and distant business environment.


2. Have you managed to identify and work through any blocks or challenges in your business during the mentoring process?

Definitely yes. Understanding the principles, dependencies, and unconscious programs operating in my life that were inherited from previous generations. Working through emotions accompanying traumatic events is currently my key to holistic business management. I feel much more resilient to unexpected business situations on a larger scale than in the past. I also estimate risks much better, which means I encounter difficult management situations much less frequently.


3. What benefits have you gained from implementing spiritual practices and principles in your daily work?


Certainly, it’s greater peace and a sense of balance. More analytical planning than blind determination. Better communication with contractors and greater decisiveness in relationships with staff. It’s also the release of creative potential and a greater belief in one’s own agency.


4. Have you noticed any improvement in relationships with clients, employees, or other stakeholders of your business after completing the mentoring process?


Definitely yes. Better understanding of myself and the patterns and schemas that previously guided my actions have an impact on this. The resulting change in communication with the external world has led me to deal with a different type of client than in the past. Primarily those who appreciate my creativity and flexible approach. I encounter fewer clients with an entitlement attitude now.


5. Have you managed to achieve a greater balance between professional and personal life through the application of spiritual techniques in business?


It varies. Ironically, it’s not always possible. It’s a paradox stemming from the potential difference between one’s own self-awareness and the self-awareness of the immediate environment. Especially when business, as in my case, intertwines so much with the domestic sphere. It’s definitely a challenge that I continuously work on.


6. What business goals have you achieved or come closer to achieving through spiritual mentoring and restructuring?


Greater courage in action and belief in my abilities, appreciation of my own competencies. This results in steps in the material world. Among them is the threefold expansion of the business I have been running for the past five years.


7. Has the implementation of a spiritual approach influenced the level of engagement and motivation of employees in your company?


We are a two-person company. I achieved this goal by 50%.


8. Have you managed to build a more balanced and sustainable business development strategy through spiritual mentoring?


That’s a good question. The first thought is “how so?” But the Spiritual Mentoring I encountered is like water and fertilizer for the soil. Like a fluid that fills the vessel. Better understanding of oneself and the processes that have influenced the decisions I have made in the past. Releasing cellular

DNA from the influence of ancestral traumas, distancing oneself from spiritual parasites, and detaching from karmic addictions may seem absurd at first glance. But it works. The first sessions with the Mentor already yielded results. And I have been in the process for several years.


9. How do you assess the overall impact of spiritual mentoring and restructuring on the success of your business in the long run?


I am full of faith and peace. I feel the presence of the Higher Self. I recommend mentoring to everyone.


10. What further steps do you plan to take to continue the spiritual development in your business and maintain the achieved results?


Just as in business, rhythm is important. There will certainly be more sessions, more meditation, and rest.


1. Our cooperation begins with identifying the main reasons blocking the business.

2.  We apply a free spiritual mentoring analysis for the company.

3. We then tailor the best program for your company, which can last from three months to one. 

4.  Cooperation can take place online through video meetings. The quality is the same. 

5.  There is the possibility of traveling to the company's location after prior agreement on unique costs.








Session Components:

1. Spiritual Mentoring: Personalized guidance for owners, management, and co-workers (once a week)

2. Business Restructuring: Tailored strategies to enhance success, attract investors, and increase financial flow (once a week)

3. Workshops: Monthly interactive workshops covering meditation, balance, and new awareness for holistic development. (monthly)


 *The cost of the complete company restructuring package depends on the company’s diagnosis, the extent of restructuring needed, and the time frame. It also considers the effort put into the overall spiritual restructuring and mentoring of the company.



Additional Benefits:

- Monthly Workshops: Themed sessions addressing specific needs and challenges.

- Flexibility: Customize the program duration based on company requirements.


This offer aims to revolutionize companies by fostering a harmonious blend of spiritual and business principles. If you have any adjustments or specific details you'd like to include, feel free to let me know!



We understand the unique challenges small businesses face. Our tailored Spiritual Mentoring and Business Restructuring™️ program is designed to align your business with spiritual principles, fostering growth and resilience.




1. Personalized Guidance: Receive one-on-one mentoring tailored to your business size and goals.

2. Practical Tools: Implement spiritual tools like pendulum work to enhance decision-making.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions: Affordable packages to suit the budget constraints of small businesses.




Unlock the full potential of your medium-sized business through our Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring™️ program. Elevate your operations and foster a spiritually aligned workplace.




1. Comprehensive Business Restructuring: Assess and restructure your business for optimal alignment.

2. Team Empowerment: Foster a spiritually conscious workplace for enhanced teamwork and productivity.

3. Customized Strategies: Tailored mentoring to address the specific challenges medium-sized businesses encounter.




Our Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring™ program is designed to elevate large corporations to new heights. Experience a holistic transformation that aligns your business with spiritual principles.




1. Enterprise - Level Restructuring: Strategically restructure operations to align with spiritual values.

2. Leadership Development: Mentorship for key leaders to lead with mindfulness and purpose.

3. Enhanced Corporate Culture: Foster a spiritually aware corporate culture for improved employee engagement.

Proposal of Spiritual Mentoring & Business Restructuring for the company
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